Board Game Club

Board Game Club

The Board Games Club provides an opportune time for students to connect with fellow peers within the school community, strengthens relationship and enable the students to meet new friends outside of their curriculum time. It also provides an avenue for students to unwind and engaging in play assists in practicing essential cognitive skills, such as decision making, higher level strategic thinking, and problem solving. Playing board games triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. “Happy hormones” have the power to improve conscious and unconscious mind functions, leaving a person feeling cheerful, compassionate, and ultimately content.

CAS Strand: Creativity

Playing board games is a perfect opportunity to connect and open up; it also helps to display a creative side of personality in non-intrusive ways, which can be beneficial for quiet individuals.

Lasallian Principles: Quality Education and Respect for All Persons

Board games are an amazing tool to enable students of different personality to come together to interact with each other in a meaningful manner. Playing helps them to develop stronger senses of individuality and creativity. This leads to greater self-esteem and a feeling of being included and noticed.