
LaCaYo Leaders

The Lasallian Catholic Youth (LaCaYo) provides opportunities for students to discover and explore their faith, make new friends, build a supportive community, develop leadership skills, and hone their talents for service through various ministries (e.g. Grade 7 Enrichment facilitation, faith, mass, media, music, socials, etc.). Whether students identify as Catholic or are simply curious about learning more about the faith or want to be part of a community, LaCaYo offers opportunities for students to engage in and lead activities, discussions, reflections, prayers, and service experiences that foster spiritual and personal growth. 

CAS Strand: Creativity and Service

LaCaYo exemplifies the CAS Strands of Creativity and Service by empowering students to actively support their peers in Grade 7 through mentoring and companionship along their faith journey.

Within LaCaYo, students partake in and lead activities, engage in discussions, facilitate reflections, lead prayers, and participate in other service experiences. These collective efforts foster spiritual and personal growth, fully embracing the CAS Strands of Activity and Service. 

Lasallian Principles: Faith in the Presence of God, Respect for All Persons and Inclusive Community

LaCaYo embodies Lasallian principles by encouraging students to explore and deepen their faith, epecially the Catholic faith, while fostering an inclusive community, respect for all people and friendship. The program promotes holistic development, nurturing leadership skills, and talents, and students are expected to be dedicated, enthusiastic, and open-minded Lasallians who actively contribute to the program's improvement and success.