

Students will be grouped not on year levels but on ability. Training sessions will have some flexibility on the days of the week but students will train with other swimmers close to their ability. Training sessions will be supported by an experienced external coach. Throughout the term and during sessions students will participate in aerobic and anaerobic swimming drills, to improve their endurance and preparation for competitions.

CAS Strand: Activity

Swimming is a physical and fun activity that builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It is a demanding sport though providing an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming. Members of this CCA will practice all four strokes (breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke and butterfly and receive individual and specific coaching. Regular time checks will be taken to monitor progress.

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community

Participants of this CCA are automatically members of the SJII swimming program. Made up of students across the secondary school, students, teachers and coaches work together to strive for their personal best while supporting each other at the same time.