Project Kai

Project Kai

Project Kai is a student-initiated project that aims to support the children of foreign domestic workers working in Singapore. Some initiatives that participants will support include:

CAS Strand: Service and Creativity. 

Participants of this CCA will support the children of foreign domestic workers by engaging in research, advocacy, indirect and direct service. 

Creativity will be needed during the creation of advocacy materials and the organisation of fundraising initiatives and donation drives. 

Lasallian Principles: 

Concern for the Poor and Social Justice: The children of foreign domestic workers face various issues such as emotional distress, feelings of abandonment, and a lack of parental guidance, and we aim to support them. 

Quality Education: Our project involves supporting the children of foreign domestic workers academically. 

Inclusive Community & Respect for All Persons: We are aiming to raise awareness of the issues that foreign domestic workers and their children face and thus foster understanding and empathy among employers.