Girls Volleyball

Girls Volleyball

This CCA is open to new and experienced female Volleyball players. Under the guidance of experienced coaching staff participants will learn about tactics, court strategies and develop defensive and offensive skills. Players will have the opportunity to learn about different positions and how to work as part of a team. Participants from this CCA will be asked to represent the school during the three ACAMIS seasons (determined by age).

CAS Strand: Activity

This CCA fits under the activity strand as it is a sport that encourages participants/players to stay fit while having fun. This CCA will also build important character skills such as team bonding and patience. As well, with a focus on developing and improving playing skills, players will also be encouraged and given time to reflect on the sessions, progress and identify areas for improvement.

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community and Quality Education

This CCA supports the Lasallian value of Inclusive community and Quality education. Girls Volleyball provides an opportunity for keen female volleyball players across the SJII secondary school to come together to learn how to play together in a supportive environment.

Furthermore, Volleyball emphasises teamwork and communication which are important skills and attributes to encourage respect and support of fellow players.

This CCA also supports a quality education as players and teams during drills and within simulated games will be encouraged to share their knowledge s to help all to improve in skills and confidence.