Cross COuntry

Cross Country

In this activity, students will engage in weekly training runs. Each session will vary but MacRitchie Reservoir will be the main trails we use to run. Your full commitment to being punctual, open to learning and independent are essential

Students who take part in this CCA will also have the opportunity to represent the school as Cross Country is in ACSIS season in Term 2.

CAS Strand: Activity

Endurance running falls under the activity strand as students are challenged by the elements and their will power to continue running when everything tells them to stop. By engaging in training sessions under the guidance of coaches and motivated by their peers students will learn to push themselves and come to know what they are capable of.

Lasallian Principles: Quality Education

Engagement in this CCA also supports the lasallian principle of a quality education. Fitness based activities brings balance to students lives and is fundamental to SJII’s holistic approach to education. This CCA will encourage students to push their own physical boundaries, cultivate values throughout the experience, and hopefully allow them realise their potential.