Weekend Badminton

Under 16 and 19 Boys and Girls Weekend Badminton

Participants in this CCA attend training sessions on Saturdays supported by an experienced external coach.

Throughout the term, students will be introduced to and practice increasingly complex drills, develop a greater awareness of their badminton skills and strengths and receive targeted training for their individual abilities and experience.

CAS Strand: Activity

Badminton is a physically challenging and demanding sport. Tough on wrists, knees and ankles, players need to be fit physically and mentally in order to play the game effectively. Often compared to chess, Badminton also requires to players to understand and master gameplay.

Lasallian Principles: Quality Education

Engagement in this Badminton CCA supports the Lasallian principle of a quality education. Playing any sport, brings balance to students lives and encourages them to discover and nurture their physical and mental strengths, cultivate values throughout the experience, and allow them realise their true potential.