Girls Football

Girls Football

In this activity, students will engage in weekly training sessions to develop their football skills. Each session will include technical, skill and game related practices to develop football skills in preparation for ACSIS matches. Your full commitment to being punctual, open to learning and enthusiastic is a must if you are to attend this practice.

Students who take part in this CCA will also have the opportunity to represent the school in the ACAMIS and other competitive tournaments.

Please note: Training sessions are broken up into three age divisions with sessions running on different days and at different times.

  • Under 14 girls football

  • Under 16 girls football

  • Under 19 girls football

CAS Strand: Activity

As a team sport played outdoors this CCA is linked to the Activity Strand. Students will engage in physically demanding training sessions and simulated football games each week.

Students will be challenged, provided with explicit coaching to improve, and hopefully be able to see the benefits during competitive games.

Lasallian Principles: Respect for All Persons and Quality Education

In playing simulated games and competitions between other schools, members of this football CCA will exhibit respect for themselves, teammates, and the opposition. ‘Good sportsmanship’ will underpin this CCA by fostering good habits and positive life skills.

Engagement in this CCA also supports the Lasallian principle of quality education. Playing sport like football brings balance to students’ lives and is fundamental to SJII’s holistic approach to education. This CCA will encourage students to discover and nurture their strengths and interests, cultivate values throughout the experience, and hopefully allow them realise their potential.