

Try something different! Fencing can be described as "chess at 200 mph" - a sport that tests both your physical and mental abilities. You will develop your fitness and be trained on various aspects of fencing including footwork, bladework and strategies you can use to outwit your opponent.

Our CCA is designed for beginners but more advanced fencers are welcome to take up leadership/coaching positions.

CAS Strand: Activity

This CCA fits under 'Activity' as it is a sport that allows you to development your fitness and critical thinking. We will work on your fitness, bladework and footwork.

For more advanced fencers, you will have the opportunity to take on a leadership role and use this as a 'Service' activity.

Lasallian Principles: Quality Education

This CCA is an opportunity to try something different and develop new skills with likeminded challenge takers! All members work together collaboratively to foster a love of fencing and respectful competition.