Bella Voice Choir

Bella Voice Choir

'Bella Voce' Choir is a mixed student/staff choir, open to anyone who love to sing. Repertoire includes music from Pop, to Jazz, to Musical theatre genres. Bella Voce perform at two major concerts: 'Musical Moments' in term 1 and 'Ode to Joy' in term 2, plus various assemblies and events.

CAS Strand: 

Singing as part of a large ensemble and musical community is an incredibly enriching and rewarding experience. Choir gives students the opportunity to develop their musical skills, interpretation of various genres of music and ultimately work together to create and perform beautiful music. 

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community

Bella Voce Choir is open to all students and staff of any musical experience and ability. As well as supporting and working collaboratively, Choir also teaches discipline, commitment, time management, cooperation, importance of practice and balance in life - skills that contribute to a happy and healthy life. And, singing with others brings Joy!