Project Mudita

Project Mudita

Starting in 2023, Project Mudita is an ongoing service project which raises funds and knowledge concerning inequality in the world. Participants in this CCA will support a range of charities such as the Willing Hearts Orphanage through direct and indirect service as well as alot of advocacy work. Each CCA term will focus on different issues to do with inequality and may involve slightly different initiatives. Therefore participants should be committed, flexible, and motivated to make a difference. 

CAS Strand: Service

This CCA is aligned with service as it is a project aimed at taking action against different types of inequality which benefits communities in the Philippines and Indonesia. Furthermore, by engaging in this service project, participants will help to educate and empower the school community. 

Lasallian Principles: Respect for All Persons and Concern for the Poor and Social Justice 

This project enables students to respond to a growing global challenge; inequality.