Little Hearts

Little Hearts

Little Hearts is a service CCA to support families and underprivileged children in Nepal. Members of this CCA will organise and facilitate fundraising initiatives to purchase educational materials, groceries, hygiene products and appliances. Students will also contribute to the creation of advocacy materials.

CAS Strand: Service and Creativity

Little Hearts will help members develop their service mindsets, as well as their creativity, as they learn more about underprivileged children and how we can help/support them. Members will be provided with an opportunity to explore their own sense of original thinking and expression as they come up with and contribute their ideas to the group and how we can tackle this issue. Students will be more aware and understanding of social justice and explore ways to support people in our community who need our help. Moreover, members will learn to identify and address authentic community needs, having a direct impact on social issues (underprivileged children).

Lasallian Principles: Concern for the Poor and Social Justice

Little Hearts CCA will enable students to show concern for the underprivileged and social justice as they become more aware of and better understand the inequality in our society and how underprivileged children need more attention and support. Members will research on underprivileged children around the world; what led to their poverty, how we can help them, etc. Furthermore, social posts will spread the word as we raise awareness and concern for this issue on social justice. Moreover, members will begin to show respect for all persons and understand that we are all equal, hence be willing to help underprivileged children our age who have such a different and unfair lifestyle