Beading N Binding

Beading N Binding

Beading and bookbinding are chill activities that practice mindfulness, promote fine motor skills and lower stress levels. You will make jewelry and accessories (e.g. bracelets, necklaces, ornaments, keychains and spectacles-/ mask- keeper) as well as bind different styles of books from scratch (e.g. back-stitch, daisy stitch, long-stitch, English case binding, Coptic binding). In the final weeks, you can choose to specialise in either jewelry making or bookbinding, and start journaling or try calligraphy! You get to take home your finished products, which can be turned into seasonal gifts. Even better, you can use these skills for service projects e.g. fundraising or teaching disadvantaged communities a new trade!

CAS Strand: Creativity

These activities stimulate creativity and imagination. After being taught basic skills, students are encouraged to create their own pieces. They are constantly creating, improvising and applying problem-solving skills which develop flexibility of the mind.

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community and Quality Education

Our CCA is open to all students (and staff!) who have an interest in creating things from scratch, whether or not they have experience in these crafts. Step-by-step instructions are given and help is at hand, regardless of skill level.

Students develop patience and perseverance in the process of learning. They also learn to be kind to themselves and others, and not expect perfection, as every piece they create is an art in itself. Even better, they can use these skills for service projects e.g. fundraising or teaching disadvantaged communities a new trade!