English Club

English Club

The English Club is a space to engage with, support and promote all things connected to English. We will work on ways to promote reading, showcase the great readers we have at SJII and work together to find creative ways to spread the love of English and Literature. A highlight will be helping to organise Book Week and share your ideas on how to make this week exciting!

CAS Strands: Creativity and Service

This CCA allows students to explore creative ways to engage with and promote love of literature. Students are encouraged to think creatively and use their own experiences to develop new ideas. Students will also need to engage with the school community and other committees to work together on ideas for our school. Students will also engage with the wider community in organsing activities such as charity book drives.

Lasallian Principles: Respect for all persons, Inclusive community and Quality education

Students from all year levels and backgrounds will need to work together and be sure that their ideas and activities are inclusive while promoting quality education through reading and engaging with literature. Students will also need to work with the Languages department for activities such as book week to promote these values in different languages.

Student Testimonial: English Club is a CCA where you are able to plan book-themed events around school and raise awareness about books and literature. I found English Club a wonderful CCA to be part of as it was a very positive atmosphere and everyone was very kind and helpful. I would recommend it to other students because it is a fun way to engage others into reading and you can help plan and put your input into what book-themed activities you want to see around school. I am really happy to have been a part of this CCA!