Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters is a CCA that explores various aspects of marriage and family through discussions and film screenings. It takes a biblical perspective to understand and appreciate these topics. Students engage in thoughtful conversations and interact with family champions. The program covers themes like the value of marriage, complementarity of genders, sanctity of life, and more. Participants develop critical thinking, reading, and communication skills while also creating crafts to express their appreciation for family. The goal is to promote healthy family dynamics within and beyond the school community.

CAS Strand: Service and Creativity

Service Students will be equipped to serve their own, or families around them in a multitude of ways, both direct and indirect. Possibility for students to plan a family day toward the end of term as a way to foster deeper bonds with the families in our SJII community. Creativity Students will produce original handmade items to show their heartfelt appreciation and love for their mom and dad. 

Lasallian Principles: Faith in the Presence of God, Respect for All Persons, Inclusive Community and Quality Education

This CCA is aligned with Christian core values related to faith, respect for all persons, inclusive community, and quality education. It emphasises the belief in marriage as a sacred covenant and the sanctity of human life. The CCA promotes effective communication and active listening, striving for family values and an inclusive community. It also enhances critical thinking, reading, and communication skills through film screenings and discussions.