Chinese Board Games

Chinese Board Games

At The Chinese Chess Club, you'll not only learn how to play this ancient game but also gain a deep understanding of the cultural heritage that has shaped it over centuries. The club provides an ideal environment for enthusiasts of all skill levels to come together and explore the art of Chinese chess. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to engage in friendly matches with your peers, putting your newfound knowledge and tactics to the test. Join us at the Chinese Chess Club to experience the thrill of this classic game, enrich your understanding of Chinese culture, and forge lasting friendships with fellow chess enthusiasts. 

CAS Strand: Creativity

Chinese Chess provides a platform for players to showcase their creative intellect as they explore novel strategies, predict their opponent's moves, and devise innovative methods to achieve checkmate. This results in each game being a distinctive and captivating display of creativity. 

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community and Respect for All Persons 

Participation in the Chinese Chess club embodies the Lasallian principles of "Respect for all persons" and an "Inclusive community." By encouraging members to respect their opponents' skills, demonstrate sportsmanship, and uphold fair play, it underscores the significance of respectful engagement, even in competitive environments, as a cornerstone for nurturing a harmonious and inclusive community.