Literacy Boost

Literacy Boost

This service offers High School students the opportunity to positively impact the learning of pre-school children, aged between 4 and 5 years old, attending Sparkletots in Ulu Pandan and Tiong Bahru. Through their involvement in this CCA, students are encouraged to develop the skills of collaboration, communication and reflection in order to deliver organised, well-resourced and enjoyable learning sessions for the children.

CAS Strands: Service and Creativity

Service is at the core of this outreach activity, through which students support and encourage a love of learning in the young children who attend a local pre-school. Involvement in this service requires students to carefully consider the needs of others and develop their virtues of empathy and kindness to build strong and encouraging relationships with the children. The students also practice their Creativity through developing the activities each week around a theme.

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive Community, Respect for All Persons, Quality Education

This group focuses on making learning inclusive for all and enhancing the provision for a quality education. By recognising the importance of establishing respectful, positive and supportive relationships within an educational setting, this group hopes to foster a love of learning that will inspire and nourish the lives of the young people they work with. Our students also learn to respect all persons through working with a diverse group of very young children and learn to respond to weekly feedback from their teacher. They also learn to respect each others ideas to recognise each others strengths.