Friends of the Zoo

Friends of the Zoo

Friends of the Zoo is a Service Group dedicated to spreading awareness about biodiversity loss and the importance of conservation. As a group, we would get to volunteer at the Zoo during the holidays, Covid has prevented us from doing this so far however we are optimistic and do see a potential Zoo trip in the near future. In the past, we’ve hosted sjii’s first Meat-Free Day and have contributed greatly to Conservation Week. We’ve also adopted 2 adorable African Penguins Ben and Bella at the Zoo and are working towards adopting Matahari the Sun Bear! Whether you’re passionate about the environment, are a creative person or amazing at organising events, there's something for everyone! 

CAS Strand: Service

Initiative & Planning - We plan events and fundraisers which requires a lot of thought and skills. We come up with new and unique ideas as covid restrictions are still in place and can't resort to traditional or more well-known fundraising ideas.

 Collaborative Skills- As we plan events, work on advocacy and posters, we are constantly collaborating with other people and sharing ideas + experiences. We also have many discussions as we talk about global issues which everyone has different perspectives and opinions about.

Challenge & Skills - Regarding events and volunteering, many obstacles occur and we need to have the skills and mindset to adapt to the changes and think out of the box to solve or compromise certain issues.

Global Engagement: We focus on issues such as Climate Change, the environment, Meat-Free Mondays, Biodiversity loss and what we can do to make the world a better place for everyone. World perspective and opinions have an important role in our discussions. We also take inspiration from world figures such as Jane Goodall, David Attenborough and other climate scientists and activists as well as NGOs and governments. 

Lasallian Principles: Inclusive community 

Students meet in a safe environment, and develop skills to share ideas around the important topics of environmental sustainability and conservation, and efforts that can be made in school to promote these topics.