Financial Literacy CLub

Financial Literacy Club

The Financial Literacy Club focuses on educating young people to become financially literate which is increasingly important. In the CCA, students will learn about the 5 main components of financial literacy: Budgeting, Saving, Borrowing, Investing and Risks. Through educational and engaging activities, students will not only be able to gain a greater understanding of what it means to be financially literate, but will also learn skills that will be important for their futures. 

CAS Strand: Creativity

Starting research on financial literacy independently can be daunting and sometimes off-putting, especially when students have never been exposed to such terminology. Participants in the CCA will be provided with creative and critical tools and knowledge to prepare them for the future. 

Lasallian Principles: Quality Education and Inclusive Community

This CCA aligns with the Lasallian values of Quality Education as students are provided with the opportunity to become financially literate..

The CCA is also aligned with the Lasallian value of an inclusive community as all students are welcome regardless of experience, knowledge and/or background. All participants are on a learning journey and will learn from and with each other.